All About The Lovely – Blogmas #1

Is this a good idea? A blog-post-a-day challenge, just December from the 1st til the 24th (or maybe 25th).

I like blogging. I like writing. I like writing about composing. So to get me back in the habit, and to stop overthinking it, I’m doing a blog a day til Xmas. If I like it, maybe I’ll do it for all of January… then if that sticks… who knows where it might lead…

Today I’m waiting for feedback. Feedback limbo. I’ve a draft that’s basically fully mapped out the score with tone and themes, and it’s reached the point where I can’t really do more without the green light to continue in the same vein. Perhaps I’ll need to change tack in one two scenes, or need to switch the focus from one character to another. We’ll see.

Hopefully, some of what I’ve written will be suitable.

These days, I’m trying to add the occasional bit of ‘lovely‘ into all my work. Sometimes it’s not even conscious until I see it in hindsight. Ah, who am I kidding, it’s always been there from the start, being as I am a child brought up on the halcyon cinematic scores of the ’80s.

I need a hit of the lovely every day to keep me on an even keel, I think. The lovely is one of those nebulous qualities tricky to define, but you know it when you see it, or when you hear it. Do you know what I mean by the lovely? Do you have your own version of it?

I don’t think, however, that this particular project has any lovely in it. And I suspect, though he hasn’t said as much, that the director is not interested in me injecting any into it either. So I may have to strip away the hints of it and be left with a cold, dark, depressing score that would leave anyone listening to it feeling the same way. I’m not sure I’m in this business to cause those sorts of feelings.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me that the lovely can stay.

Sometimes that’s the way it goes – though always in service to the director’s vision, I find myself veering in a slightly different direction for this reason… then have to remind myself that the lovely is for me and not necessarily for anyone else.

My muse, however, LOVES the lovely. My muse wants it sprinkled deliberately and liberally over everything I do. She points it out to me daily – see there, see here, what about this? We definitely need to add more, she says.

I like the lovely. Perhaps I don’t need to put it in all my work. But I will if I can! I’ll sneak it in here there and everywhere. You won’t even notice it. Promise.

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