In the last couple of weeks, I was working on a pitch for a children's show, and that pitch included some new songs made with lyrics provided by the (potential) client. Also, as part of the pitch, I included some songs from previous projects that showed some range in style, tone and orchestration. When I …
Continue reading "A Trip Down Memory Lane"
I heard, not so long ago, that Martha Wells' Murderbot Diaries book series had been picked up for TV Adaptation. And so, I'm writing the soundtrack for it.
Welcome to the busy world of media composition, where deadlines and pressure can be overwhelming - but only if you let them. As a composer, I’ve learned valuable techniques to manage stress and find balance. Here I’ll share my journey and reveal strategies that have made a practical impact on my creative process. Get ready …
Continue reading "Finding Harmony Amidst Chaos: Strategies for Managing Stress in Freelance Media Work"
The thing I find about writing blog posts is that it’s actually quite easy when one has no actual proper deadline type work on but it’s basically impossible when one has a gig or two on the go because one can’t really speak candidly about the behind-the-scenes stuff. It has to be hush-hush for various reasons of confidentiality, but also good sense - don’t shout about it till the fat lady sings and all that. You don’t want to jinx it.
The lovely project I worked on during the summer is being broadcast on UK telly tonight. It’s streaming on Now TV. Red Riding Hood: After Ever After is live, so it’s ok for me with the powers that be to talk about it now.
Just a quick one today (and, as promised, way more optimistic!). This morning, a bunch of lovely friends, a magnificent dog, and I went on a brisk, refreshing and death-defying (tres icy 🥶) walk around one of the local reservoirs. Sheffield was rather dashingly handsome today.
It’s essential to stay cosy and warm in the studio on these dark, wintry, chilly days, especially with the cost of fuel and the carbon footprint of gas-powered central heating etc, etc. Join me in getting wrapped up warm in many fleeces, fingerless gloves, a hot water bottle with a blanket around you after making …
Continue reading "The Perfect Hot Chocolate – Blogmas #4"
It’s Saturday, so it’s a bit weird to be sitting down to type this out. I rarely work weekends - unless it’s on a play, which tends to shift work weeks to include Saturdays and ditch Mondays instead - but either way, having two clear days off a week is essential for me. If I …
Continue reading "How I structure my week – Blogmas #3"
I worked on a project I didn't want to end. Then I got Covid. Then I went on jury duty. Then I fell into a bit of a hole (but I'm back out now! phew...).
I want to show people how they can make more sustainable choices in their work-from-home offices and studios. I truly do believe there are very few jobs that can't be made more sustainable. Here are 8 areas to consider in your home office or studio to support your career without destroying the planet.