You know when you’ve had one of those days? You know when you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed? Turn to your PickMeUp Playlist (and play it LOUD).
Sometime last year (or maybe it was the year before… the last few years sort of blend into one blur of time), I was emailed by a local radio station to see if I would comment on air about ‘Skip Intro’ options on streaming services. Good on them for trying (again and again). Every few …
Continue reading "Why Would You Want to Skip Intro? Title Sequences are Awesome!"
Happy New Year! For me, and maybe for you, the start of the year feels like a re-synchronisation between my internal clock and the external world of work and life in general. A re-calibration of energies: we all get to start somewhere on the same page. It's an opportunity for an amnesty for past misalignments. …
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The well is the store of creativity, the depths of which I like to plumb on a fairly regular schedule.
Missed a few days because life. You know how it is, I expect. Give yourself an audacious goal and go in with guns blazing and all the commitment and enthusiasm and then suddenly... ... there’s a day of meetings and peopling and chatting and meeting a celebrity comedian (!) and travel and timetables and getting …
Continue reading "Blogmas number whatever"
Is good the enemy of great? I don't think so. I think 'good' is the only road to this fabled 'great'. Good is 'it works. But first, we must start.
Coming up with ideas can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. In this post, I'll go into more detail about a particular form of restriction that's very common in music - the 'limited palette'.
Getting feedback is scary. Getting negative feedback is the WORST... or is it? Here's how to turn the fear of criticism on its head and into a superpower. Seek out and focus on negative feedback to zero in more accurately - and more creatively - on what your client wants from their music (or whatever …
Continue reading "The Four Steps I Use to Turn the Fear of Negative Criticism into a SUPERPOWER"
You're staring at that blank page. It's scary, and you want to get ideas onto it fast just to take away the terror... But wait, there might be a better way. Generating those lusciously original ideas, to order, can be a tricky venture if you don't have strategies - but stick with me, I've got …
Continue reading "How to Generate Great Creative Ideas: Refresh and Get Perspective"
You want to get something quick onto that scary blank page. Generate great, original, creative ideas by (counterintuitively) imposing restrictions. You need new, juicy, creative ideas, and you need them now. This is how to get them on tap, stat. (Yes I do rather love E.R. and I'm binging series after series of Grey's Anatomy …
Continue reading "5 Strategies to Generate Great Creative Ideas by Imposing Restrictions"